RAMNOT Energy Conversion Simulations

RAMNOT Energy Conversion Digital Twin

Neutron Capture Efficiency

Boron-10 Concentration: 50%

Gadolinium-157 Concentration: 50%

Lithium-6 Concentration: 50%

Neutron Flux: 1e14 n/cm²/s

Neutron Cross Section: 500 barns

Material Density: 10 g/cm³

Neutron Capture Results

Neutron Capture Rate: 0

Material Integrity: 100%

Photon Absorption in Quantum Dots

Photon Energy: 5 eV

Quantum Dot Bandgap: 1.5 eV

Core Temperature: 1000 K

Photon Absorption Results

Total Energy Absorbed: 0 J

Absorption Efficiency: 0 %

Advanced Energy Conversion Simulations README

Advanced Energy Conversion Simulations README

This project simulates two advanced energy conversion processes:
  • Neutron Capture Efficiency: Simulates how different materials absorb neutrons in energy systems.
  • Photon Absorption in Quantum Dots: Models how photon energy is absorbed by quantum dots and converted into usable energy.
The interface is built using HTML, Bootstrap, and Chart.js to provide an interactive way to adjust simulation parameters and visualize results in real-time.

HTML Structure

The page is structured with two primary tabs for the neutron capture and photon absorption simulations. Users interact with sliders and buttons to change simulation parameters, and results are displayed in graphs generated by Chart.js.


  • Chart.js: Used for plotting graphs that visualize simulation data.
  • Bootstrap: Ensures responsive and user-friendly design.

1. Neutron Capture Efficiency

In this section, users can adjust material properties such as Boron-10, Gadolinium-157, and Lithium-6 concentrations. The simulation calculates the neutron capture rate based on the following parameters:
  • Neutron Flux: The number of neutrons passing through the material per second.
  • Neutron Cross Section: The likelihood of neutron capture by the material, measured in barns.
  • Material Density: Affects the neutron capture efficiency based on how densely packed the material is.

Key Calculations

  • Neutron Capture Rate: Uses macroscopic cross-section, neutron flux, and material properties to calculate the rate of neutron absorption.
  • Material Degradation: Simulates how the material degrades over time based on neutron exposure.

2. Photon Absorption in Quantum Dots

This simulation calculates the energy absorbed by quantum dots when photons of varying energy interact with the material. Key parameters include:
  • Photon Energy: Determines the likelihood of absorption based on the material's bandgap.
  • Quantum Dot Bandgap: Energy threshold for photon absorption.
  • Core Temperature: Affects the bandgap energy of the quantum dots.

Below is an interactive code editor where you can explore the structure of the Energy Conversion Simulations.

To run the simulations:

  • Download the HTML file.
  • Open the file in a browser to view the interactive simulations.
  • Adjust parameters using sliders and start the simulations to visualize the neutron capture efficiency and photon absorption in real-time.