Advanced Energy Conversion Simulations

RAMNOT Advance Energy Conversion Simulations

Neutron Capture Efficiency

Boron-10 Concentration: 50%

Gadolinium-157 Concentration: 50%

Lithium-6 Concentration: 50%

Neutron Flux: 1e14 n/cm²/s

Neutron Cross Section: 500 barns

Material Density: 10 g/cm³

Neutron Capture Results

Neutron Capture Rate: 0

Material Integrity: 100%

Photon Absorption in Quantum Dots

Photon Energy: 5 eV

Quantum Dot Bandgap: 1.5 eV

Core Temperature: 1000 K

Photon Absorption Results

Total Energy Absorbed: 0 J

Absorption Efficiency: 0 %

Gamma Photon Attenuation

Initial Intensity: 500

μ: 0.05

Thickness: 5 cm

Final Intensity (I): 0

Compton Scattering

Photon Energy: 500 keV

Angle: 45 degrees

Scattered Photon Energy: 0 keV

Advanced Energy Conversion Simulations

Advanced Energy Conversion Simulations


This web application simulates a variety of energy-related quantum experiments:

  • Neutron Capture Efficiency: Models neutron capture rates in various materials like Boron-10, Gadolinium-157, and Lithium-6.
  • Photon Absorption in Quantum Dots: Simulates photon absorption based on photon energy and quantum dot bandgap.
  • Gamma Photon Attenuation: Simulates how gamma photons attenuate through materials of different thicknesses and attenuation coefficients.
  • Compton Scattering: Models the scattering of photons based on scattering angles and photon energy.

Project Structure

HTML Structure

The page consists of four tabs, each corresponding to an experiment. Each tab has interactive sliders to control various parameters, and the results are visualized through real-time graphs using Chart.js.

Scripts and Libraries

  • Chart.js: Used to render interactive graphs that visualize the results of each simulation.
  • JavaScript: Handles calculations, simulations, and dynamically updates the graphs based on user input.

1. Neutron Capture Efficiency Simulation

In this simulation, users can adjust the concentration of Boron-10, Gadolinium-157, and Lithium-6, along with other neutron flux parameters, to see how it affects neutron capture rates in materials.

Key Functions

  • updateNeutronCaptureRate(): Calculates the neutron capture rate using the macroscopic cross-section and neutron flux.
  • calculateDegradation(): Models the material degradation over time based on neutron capture rates.

Important Calculations

  • Macroscopic Cross-Section: numberDensity * neutronCrossSection (used to calculate the capture rate).
  • Degradation Rate: Proportional to the capture rate, affects material integrity over time.


  • Neutron Capture Rate Chart: Displays how the neutron capture rate changes over time based on input parameters.
  • Neutron Heatmap: Visualizes the relationships between neutron capture rates and material concentrations.

2. Photon Absorption in Quantum Dots

This section simulates photon absorption in quantum dots. Users can adjust photon energy, quantum dot bandgap, and core temperature to see how absorption efficiency changes.

Key Functions

  • runPhotonSimulation(): Calculates the absorption efficiency based on photon energy and the temperature-dependent bandgap.

Important Calculations

  • Absorption Efficiency: The percentage of energy absorbed by the quantum dot, calculated using ((photonEnergy - tempBandgap) / photonEnergy) * 100.


  • Photon Absorption Efficiency: Displays how efficiently photons are absorbed based on the input parameters.
  • Pie Chart: Shows the absorbed vs. unabsorbed photon energy.

3. Gamma Photon Attenuation

In this section, users simulate how gamma photons attenuate through different materials by adjusting the initial intensity, attenuation coefficient (μ), and material thickness.

Key Functions

  • calculateAttenuation(): Uses the exponential attenuation formula to calculate the final intensity of photons after passing through a material.

Important Calculations

  • Attenuation Formula: I = I₀ * exp(-μ * thickness), where I is the final intensity.


  • Attenuation Chart: Displays the reduction in photon intensity after attenuation.

4. Compton Scattering

This simulation allows users to explore Compton scattering, where photon energy and scattering angle affect the final energy of the scattered photon.

Key Functions

  • calculateScattering(): Calculates the energy of scattered photons using the Compton scattering equation.

Important Calculations

  • Compton Scattering Equation: E' = E / (1 + (E / mₑc²) * (1 - cosθ)), where E' is the scattered energy and θ is the scattering angle.


  • Scattering Chart: Plots photon energy against the scattering angle, showing how energy changes with angle.

Explore the Code (Interactive)

Here is a snippet of the HTML structure for the Advanced Energy Conversion Simulations project. You can scroll through the code and explore how the webpage is built:

Running the Project

To run the simulation:

  • Download the full HTML file.
  • Open it in any web browser.
  • Adjust the simulation sliders and see how the graphs update in real-time based on your input.